There are weekends that you wish would never end, but inevitable they do. Memorial Day Weekend (we got an extra day) started Friday. Mark and Elliott, Natalia and Ayden all flew in that day, and we met in San Jose for the Cupertino High School Spring Concert. They kids had a chance to reacquaint with Mr. Aron. And we enjoyed a good show. They presented, as is their fashion, four mini concerts. The men’s choir did Elvis Presley, The women, Hairspray, the advanced women’s Frozen and the cappella choir Grease. It was a great show, and then after the kids spent time with Mr. Aron, and pictures were taken.
Saturday Caleb also arrived. Sheri went and gathered him from the airport, while Jeremy and Mark and boys went on a hike. I mowed the lawn. That evening Sheri and I watched grandbabies while all our kids did a sibling trip to an escape room in Modesto. They ate ice cream after.
Sunday Charity had arranged for she and Caleb and Jeremy and Natalia to sing in church with Miranda playing the piano. They sang, “I Stand all Amazed.” We had a family barbecue with Anthony and Caleb manning the hamburgers and hot dogs. The Normans were out. They too had a big weekend as Heather went through the temple for the first time in preparation for her wedding in August. So we met her fiancé and Mark, Diana and Anna were also here, along with all our kids and 8 of 13 grandchildren.
Monday we toured the temple with all of our children. Mark went through with Elliott and it was fun to see him explain the pictures, including John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. Jeremy and Kayla were able to tour the sealing rooms where hopefully they will return soon. Haley Dawn and Camberly Rose were all dressed up in dresses. It was a fun tour, and then pictures after. We also did the walk around the top. The Visitor’s Center was too crowded so we missed there. It was a fun time.
We went home separately as Mark and Caleb were headed back to the airport. Natalia and Ayden stayed a few more days.