What's In This Blog

I created this blog for my journal. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this blog I keep many of the things I come across as a member of the church. I also share my experiences on the ACE Train and getting to work, my experiences in Manteca where we have lived for three years, and other things I think are noticeable.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Fourteen Grandbabies

First Column Charity, second Mark, third Jeremy, fourth Caleb and Natalia.  That Wardle nose dominates, except for a couple with Sheri's nose.

Are We Headed for a Strike?

Labor Relations  It looks very likely at this time that county workers will go on strike.  The county is offering very little, and the Union is asking for a lot.  I have been to a couple rallies, at the City Building and at the hospital.  We shall see, but I noted the union is asking for 9 percent a year with no take away and the county is offering 6 percent over 5 years with county worker paying two percent of their medical insurance.  If you do the math this is like no cost of living increase.  This is less than what persons who are retired receive.  So something has to give. 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Grand Baby Fourteen: Roarke Russel Wardle

Born June 7.

Oakland Temple Dedication: A Few Notes

The temple dedication was terrific.  Church News noted that this was the first time when the speakers changed from session to session.  There were three dedication sessions.  I attended two and watched grand babies for the third.  Sister Juanita Davis spoke at the first session.  I was very touched knowing her.  Her husband passed away just wo months ago.  He had been a temple sealer and to this point performed all of our family sealings, marriages and Tony.  Her discourse was very touching.  President and Sister Walton also spoke.  He is the Oakland Temple President and was in our stake presidency in Saratoga Stake.  Again very touching.  Sister Walton used the hymn “More Holiness Give Me” as a pretext for the blessing of temple worship.  Elder Oaks gave the concluding discourse as well as the dedicatory prayer.

The second session was also very moving.  A young sister, Sister Barlow, talked of her ancestors.  This piqued my interest as they were part of the Martin Handcart Company.  Sarah Ann Barlow Ashton who is my great-great-great grandmother passed away on the trip.  It is assumed that this family took in the Ashton girls and kept an eye on them after William Ashton left the company and joined the military at Fort Laramie.  One of the Barlow children also joined the military in a temporary assignment at this time.   I have looked in Family Search to find the link without success.  She talked of hop.  Scott Hepworth talked of the temple is the best way to keep our eyes single to the glory of God.  Elder Kevin Pearson of the Seventy talk of light.  He said we should become a light, we should develop charity, we should seek the influence of the Holy Ghost and we should share our light with others.  Elder Bednar shared his experiences as a youth with the Oakland Temple.  He played on the hill s during construction.  He mentioned that the goal of baptism is to lead people to the temple so our sheaves not be wasted.  He mentioned we should participate in the gathering as the hen gathers her eggs by bringing people to the temple,  on both sides of the veil. 

I was blessed to be able to participate in these ceremonies, even though remotely.  Our stake center was an extension of the temple for this meeting.  We were all  able to participate and feel God’s spirit in abundance. 

Monday, June 10, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend: Oakland Temple Open House

There are weekends that you wish would never end, but inevitable they do.  Memorial Day Weekend (we got an extra day) started Friday.  Mark and Elliott, Natalia and Ayden all flew in that day, and we met in San Jose for the Cupertino High School Spring Concert.  They kids had a chance to reacquaint with Mr. Aron.  And we enjoyed a good show.  They presented, as is their fashion, four mini concerts.  The men’s choir did Elvis Presley, The women, Hairspray, the advanced women’s Frozen and the cappella choir Grease.  It was a great show, and then after the kids spent time with Mr. Aron, and pictures were taken. 
Saturday Caleb also arrived.  Sheri went and gathered him from the airport, while Jeremy and Mark and boys went on a hike.  I mowed the lawn.  That evening Sheri and I watched grandbabies while all our kids did a sibling trip to an escape room in Modesto.  They ate ice cream after. 
Sunday Charity had arranged for she and Caleb and Jeremy and Natalia to sing in church with Miranda playing the piano.  They sang, “I Stand all Amazed.”  We had a family barbecue with Anthony and Caleb manning the hamburgers and hot dogs.  The Normans were out.  They too had a big weekend as Heather went through the temple for the first time in preparation for her wedding in August.  So we met her fiancé and Mark, Diana and Anna were also here, along with all our kids and 8 of 13 grandchildren. 
Monday we toured the temple with all of our children.  Mark went through with Elliott and it was fun to see him explain the pictures, including John the Baptist baptizing Jesus.  Jeremy and Kayla were able to tour the sealing rooms where hopefully they will return soon.  Haley Dawn and Camberly Rose were all dressed up in dresses.  It was a fun tour, and then pictures after.  We also did the walk around the top.  The Visitor’s Center was too crowded so we missed there.  It was a fun time. 
We went home separately as Mark and Caleb were headed back to the airport.  Natalia and Ayden stayed a few more days.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

"Fee Fi Fo Fum" from Jack in the Bean Stalk

This is my version of the "Giant rhyme: from Jack and the Beanstalk.  Mark once portrayed Jack from "Into the Woods."  He sang of the giants in the sky. 

Living Room Decor 2019

Tony snow sliding with Young Men's

City College Art

Craft Bracelets

Tony has been crafting.  He has made rubber band bracelets for almost all of his nieces and nephews.  The heart is something the grand kids do.  The load the beads into a pattern, and then Sheri irons it to keep it together.