We sat for the raptor show, red tailed hawk, turkey vulture, owl,
chicken (not a raptor), falcon. The host also said there was a bald
eagle flying around scaring some of the birds, and causing a commotion
in the local crows. I never saw it. A raptor is a bird that uses its
talons to kill and tear food. (Turkey vultures do not usually kill
food, but tear it.)
red tailed hawk is the most commonly seen raptor. They are often flying above the freeways searching for mice. |
The crazy chicken was fun, and made a bee-line for the barn.
The turkey vulture buzzed me twice, and I ducked both times. It came right at me and veered the last second to its perch.
The vulture even picked up trash.
The owl was very funny, and very cute with his pointed ears which aren't really ears.

The show then ended with a falcon, which was crazy fast and back and forth around the grounds in no time at all.
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