What's In This Blog

I created this blog for my journal. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this blog I keep many of the things I come across as a member of the church. I also share my experiences on the ACE Train and getting to work, my experiences in Manteca where we have lived for three years, and other things I think are noticeable.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Mormon Movie Review: Greater Love

This movie was produced in 1980.  I guess if I wanted to be critical of the acting, I could probably be so with this movie, bur I am more interested in the message and how well it is presented.  I hate to give the twist of this movie away, but it is impossible to talk about the message of the movie without doing so.  The crux of this movie is when the little girl says “When do I die.”  This movie begins with showing the brother being mean to her sister, teasing her at the dinner table.  However to make amends, he takes her to the pet store where the buy a humming bird feeder.  However he is hit by a car on the way home and ends up in the hospital needing a blood transfusion.  He has a rare type, and only his younger sister is available to donate.  She says she will do it, if her father wants her to.  After her brother is recovering, she asks “When do I die?”  She explains that her understanding is that when you give blood, you die.  In this we see the depth of her love for her brother. 

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