This movie is very intense. It is almost as intense as "Saving Private
Ryan." It starts with a group of American POWs, who are being guarded
by a group of Germans. Things get out of hand, and the Germans open
fire on the Americans, in the confusion, a small group of Americans gets
away. They manage to get one gun. However they are well behind enemy
lines. Deacon is a sharp shooter, but he is suffering from lack of sleep
and war trauma. He tossed a grenade into a home, which turned out to
be full of women and children. This is now haunting him. He sometimes
has visions of the women or the children. He is also LDS, a former
missionary to Germany. They rescue a British pilot, who says he has
important information. He needs to be taken to where he can report and
give this information. They are behind enemy lines, but start making
their way to where he can report. However they get snowed in. They
come upon a French home, and are able to take a meal but are snowbound.
The English pilot decides he cannot wait for the storm, and leaves the
party. However a couple German soldier also chance by. They surprise
them. One is killed, but our soldier who never misses, misses and the
other gets away. The Englishman brings him back. He had gotten cold
and decided to turn around, and was able to capture him. Turns out he
is known to our German missionary, who taught his family. They talk,
sharing old times, but the soldier lets him escape during the night, but
not before they get some information about where to go to avoid the
German soldiers. The Medic confronts him for being too close to the
enemy. The talk about the Book of Mormon and religious beliefs. This
works for a while, but eventually they are in an area with many Germans,
and they are in the midst of a fire fight. Again they come upon the
German friend who helps them. They are able to command a jeep, with
German uniforms, and go through a roadblock. The Germans are now onto
them and the front, but so are the Americans, who quickly realize their
mistake. Deacon holds them off, while the medic makes it back to the
American lines with the pilot. After the medic seeks out Deacon's body,
and removes the Book of Mormon from him.

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