What's In This Blog

I created this blog for my journal. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this blog I keep many of the things I come across as a member of the church. I also share my experiences on the ACE Train and getting to work, my experiences in Manteca where we have lived for three years, and other things I think are noticeable.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Doctor Who: ****^Season One

Doctor Who: ****^Season One
About every year or so I go thought the Doctor Who series on Netflix.  I have started with season one this week.  There are six seasons available on Netflix; however they lack some of the Christmas specials and episodes outside of the regular season.
Season One introduces us first to Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) and then to Doctor Who (Christopher Eccleston.)  In the first episode they take on a plastic monster, determined to make plastic come alive and take over the world.  After giving the monster a chance to leave people alone and the monster goes ahead with his plans and activates plastic monsters everywhere, the anti plastic is delivered and the monster destroyed.  Rose’s boyfriend is drawn into the plat, and her mother is a victim of the plastic men.
The Season continues through several other romps:  We see the explosion of our sun and the end of Earth.  The family who takes over British government determined to create nuclear holocaust so they can sale the remaining slag heap that was Earth.  We meet Charles Dickens, as he gets inspiration for his ghost stories. 
My favorite is a two part episode on the bombing of London during WWII.  A rocket has landed on earth, with medical nanobots escaping.  They do not know of human DNA and repair a child incorrectly, which causes a disease of their making others in the image of the repaired child, with a gas mask as part of his anatomy.  The child, as well as the other people infected, if they touch you will give you the same result.  They go around looking for “my mummy.”  It isn’t until he finds his mummy that the nanobots realize their mistake, and are able to correct it. 
This run goes through two future Earth worlds, where things have gotten out of where they actually should have been, because of third-party manipulation.  We are introduced to “Bad Wolf” and the evil the Doctor must confront.
I enjoyed this romp, and come back to it on a somewhat regular basis.

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