What's In This Blog

I created this blog for my journal. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this blog I keep many of the things I come across as a member of the church. I also share my experiences on the ACE Train and getting to work, my experiences in Manteca where we have lived for three years, and other things I think are noticeable.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Book review: ****What is the Purpose of Life?

What is the Purpose of Life? 
This is another book written by April J. McMurtry.  This is a short concise book and to the point.  It answers in essence that question by answering sub questions.  Where did I come from?  Why am I here?  Where am I going after this life?  Each of these questions gets a chapter.  Other chapters include Jesus Christ, the Great Apostasy and Restoration.  She devotes chapter to our stages in our immortal journey: Premortal Life, Mortality and Life After Death.  She has a chapter entitled Today.  I enjoyed the chapter entitled Postscript: The Rest of the Story for in this chapter Sister McMurtry offers her testimony, but also the challenge for those who are seeking truth, to ask Heavenly Father.  She issues the challenge, but also explains how to receive direction from the Holy Spirit.

The book also includes all of the scriptures written out which she uses in her text.  She also has copied the testimony of the apostles which is entitled “The Living Christ.”  She also includes the references for the sources she uses.  The only complaint I would have is she often just sites the author rather than indicating where you can find the particular reference.
I enjoyed this read.  As I mentioned it is a short read, but it does involve a considerable amount of meditation and

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